Creating and managing segments

Organize and target your audience effectively with dynamic segments


Segments are a powerful tool in KOMI that allow you to group your subscribers based on specific criteria. Whether you’re targeting a group with shared characteristics or excluding certain subscribers from a campaign, segments help you ensure that your messages are relevant and personalized. This guide will walk you through the process of creating and managing segments to maximize the impact of your email marketing efforts.


Step 1: What is a Segment?

A segment in KOMI is a dynamic group of subscribers who meet specific criteria that you define. Unlike tags, which are static labels applied to subscribers, segments automatically update as subscribers' data changes. This makes segments particularly useful for targeting messages based on real-time data, ensuring that your campaigns always reach the most relevant audience.

Example of Segments:

  • Subscribers in a specific location, such as "Subscribers in New York"

  • Subscribers with specific tags, such as "Webinar Attendees"

  • Customers who have signed up through a specific form

Key Benefits:

  • Precision Targeting: Send highly relevant messages to specific groups.

  • Dynamic Updates: As subscriber data changes, so does the segment, keeping your targeting accurate.

  • Improved Engagement: Tailored messages result in better open and click-through rates.

Step 2: How to Create a Segment

Creating a segment in KOMI is straightforward and enables you to group your subscribers based on specific criteria. Here’s how to get started:

To navigate to Segments, go to the Audience & Campaigns section in your KOMI dashboard and click on Segments. To create a new segment, click New Segment at the top right of the Segments page.

Next, name your segment in the Edit Segment view by giving it a descriptive name, such as "Subscribers in New York."

To define your criteria, use the Filter Groups section to set up the criteria for your segment. You can filter by fields such as tags, location, and age. For example, if you want to create a segment of all subscribers located in New York who have a specific tag, set filters for both location and the relevant tag.

Once your criteria are set, save your segment by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page. Your segment will now be active and will dynamically update as subscriber data changes.

💡 Tip: Experiment with different filters to create segments that align closely with your marketing objectives, such as promoting a local event to subscribers in a specific region.



Step 3: Managing Your Segments

Once you have created segments, managing them effectively is crucial to ensure your email campaigns remain relevant and targeted. Here’s how to keep your segments organized:

To view and edit segments, go to the Segments tab under the Audience & Campaigns section. Here, you’ll see a list of all your created segments. To make changes, click the icon on the right of the segment you want to edit, and then select the Edit option from the dropdown menu. This will allow you to adjust the segment criteria as needed.

As your business and audience evolve, you may need to refine your segment criteria. For example, if you initially created an "Active Users" segment for those who made a purchase in the last 30 days, you might later decide to adjust this to include only those who made a purchase in the last 60 days. To do this, simply edit the filters within the segment and save your changes.

If a segment is no longer relevant, you can delete it to keep your segment list clean and organized. To delete a segment, click the icon next to the segment you wish to remove and select Delete from the dropdown menu. Be cautious with this action, as deleting a segment is permanent and cannot be undone.

By regularly reviewing and managing your segments, you can maintain a focused and effective email marketing strategy that adapts to the changing needs of your business and audience.

Step 4: Using Segments in Campaigns

With your segments set up and managed, you’re ready to use them in your email campaigns. When creating a new campaign in KOMI, simply select the relevant segment to target the exact group of subscribers you want to reach.

To apply segments in your campaigns, start by navigating to the campaign creation process. When setting up your campaign, you can select specific segments you have already created like "New Customers" or "Engaged Subscribers" to target your audience with personalized content.

If you need to exclude certain groups, such as customers who have already purchased a product, you can do this by selecting "IS NOT" as a filter.



Creating and managing segments in KOMI allows you to deliver highly targeted and personalized email campaigns. By leveraging dynamic segments, you can ensure that your messaging is always relevant, improving engagement and driving better results for your business.

💡 Tip: Continuously refine your segments based on performance data and changes in your audience to maintain the effectiveness of your email marketing strategy.



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