Creating and customizing email templates

Design stunning email templates without any coding


KOMI’s visual email template editor empowers you to create beautiful and effective email templates without needing to touch a line of code. Whether you’re crafting a simple newsletter or a sophisticated promotional email, this guide will walk you through the steps to create, customize, and save your email templates.


Step 1: Create a New Email Template

To navigate to the Templates section in your KOMI dashboard, first go to Audiences & Campaigns. Once there, click on Templates.

To create a new template, click the New Template button located at the top of the page. This will direct you to the template editor, where you can begin building your email.

Next, name your template by adding a descriptive name in the top left corner of the editor. This will help you easily identify your template later when you want to use or edit it.

💡 Tip: Choose a descriptive name that reflects the purpose of the template, such as "Monthly Newsletter" or "Holiday Promotion."

Step 2: Adding, Reordering, and Deleting Sections

KOMI’s email template editor allows you to easily manage the layout of your template by adding, reordering, and deleting sections.

To add a new section in your email template, drag a Columns section from the Content menu on the right side of the editor.

You can format columns in various ways, such as a single column, two columns, or three columns. Drop the section into your template where you want it to appear.

To duplicate a section, select the section you want to copy and click the duplicate icon on the right. This action will create a copy of the section directly below the original.

If you need to delete a section, select the section you wish to remove and click the trash can icon on the right side of the editor.

To reorder sections within your template, click and hold the section you want to move, then drag and drop it into the desired position.

💡 Tip: Use the Ctrl/Command + Z keyboard shortcut to undo any accidental deletions or changes.

Step 3: Styling the Email Content

To customize text in your email template, click on any placeholder text to begin editing. You can use the right sidebar to adjust the font size, color, alignment, and more, allowing you to match your brand’s style.

To style buttons in your template, click on any button to customize its appearance. You can modify the colors, font, and size to ensure the button stands out and matches your overall design.

For global styling, click the Body option in the right sidebar. This will allow you to modify the overall appearance of your template, including background color and padding, giving your email a cohesive look.

💡 Tip: Ensure consistency in your email’s design by using the same color scheme, fonts, and styles that reflect your brand’s identity.

Step 4: Adding Default Content

Default content can be added to your template so that it appears every time you load the template in the email editor. This is useful for elements that remain consistent across multiple campaigns.

To add default content to your email template, simply click on any placeholder text or image and replace it with the content you want to include, such as your company logo, standard headings, or disclaimers. This ensures that your key branding elements are always present in every email you send.

It’s also recommended to include your business address in the footer of your template, along with the unsubscribe link. This helps you comply with anti-spam laws and ensures that your recipients can easily opt out of your communications if they choose.

💡 Tip: Always include an unsubscribe link and a valid mailing address to ensure compliance with regulations like CAN-SPAM and GDPR.

Step 5: Saving and Using Your Template

After customizing your template, it’s important to save your work so it can be used in future campaigns.

To save your template, click the Save button located at the bottom right-hand corner of the editor. Once saved, your template will be readily available for use whenever you create a new email campaign.

When you’re ready to use your template in a campaign, simply select it from the Templates section during the campaign creation process. Your default content will load automatically, and you can further customize the template to suit the specific needs of your campaign.

💡 Tip: Continuously monitor the performance of your email campaigns and adjust your templates as needed to optimize engagement.



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