Sending an email campaign

Learn how to create, customize, and send effective email campaigns using KOMI’s intuitive campaign editor


Email campaigns are a powerful way to reach your audience with timely and targeted messages. Whether you’re making an announcement, promoting a special offer, or simply keeping your subscribers informed, KOMI makes it easy to create, send, and manage your campaigns. This guide will walk you through the process of crafting and scheduling your email campaigns like a pro.


Step 1: Creating a New Campaign

To navigate to the Campaigns section, go to Audience & Campaigns in your KOMI dashboard. Once there, click on Campaigns in the left sidebar. To create a new campaign, click the New Campaign button located at the top of the page.

On the Draft page of the Campaign editor, start by naming your campaign. This name will help you track its performance over time and easily identify it among your other campaigns.

💡 Tip: Use a descriptive name that reflects the content or purpose of your campaign, such as "Summer Sale 2024" or "Monthly Newsletter - September."

Step 2: Setting Up Your Campaign Content

Once your campaign is created, it’s time to set up the content that will be sent to your subscribers.

Enter a title in the Subject line field that will catch your subscribers’ attention and entice them to open the email. A strong subject line is key to driving higher open rates and engaging your audience right from the inbox.

Next, select your recipients. Under the Send to section, choose the segment(s) of subscribers you want to target with this campaign. If you haven’t created any segments yet, you can start by creating a segment called “All Subscribers” to include everyone who has granted marketing permissions.

💡 Tip: Tailor your subject line to the selected segment to increase relevance and open rates.

To add email content to your campaign, start by choosing whether to use an existing template or create a new one. Click From Gallery to select a pre-designed template, or choose New Template to build one from scratch, allowing you to fully customize your campaign’s design.

Once your template is selected, you can customize it to fit your campaign needs. Click on any element within the template to edit the text, change colors, adjust fonts, or replace images. The right sidebar will provide options based on the specific element you select, making it easy to personalize your email’s appearance. Find more on customising templates here.

💡 Tip: Maintain consistency in your design by sticking to your brand’s color palette and fonts throughout the email.

Step 3: Previewing and Finalizing Your Campaign

Before you send your campaign, it’s crucial to preview it and ensure everything looks perfect.

To preview your campaign, click the Preview icon on the toolbar. This will allow you to see how your email will appear on both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring your content looks great no matter how your subscribers view it.

Before sending your campaign to your entire list, it's a good idea to send a test email to yourself or a colleague. To do this, click the Send Test button. This step allows you to double-check how your email will look in your subscribers’ inboxes and catch any last-minute errors.

💡 Tip: Reviewing your email in different email clients (e.g., Gmail, Outlook) ensures it displays correctly across platforms.

To schedule your campaign, once you’re satisfied with the email’s content and design, click the Schedule button. This will open up the scheduling options where you can set the date and time for when you want your campaign to be sent.

Make sure to select the correct time zone to align with your audience’s location, ensuring your email reaches them at the optimal time.

Step 4: Tracking Campaign Performance

After your campaign is sent, KOMI provides tools to help you track its performance, including open rates, click-through rates, and more.

To monitor key metrics after sending your campaign, go back to the Campaigns section in your KOMI dashboard. Click on your sent campaign to view its performance metrics, which will help you gauge the effectiveness of your email.

Use the insights gathered from these metrics to improve future campaigns. Analyze the data to see what worked well and identify areas for improvement. You might consider A/B testing different subject lines or content variations in your next campaign to optimize results and achieve better engagement.

💡 Tip: Use the insights gained from each campaign to refine your strategies and improve engagement over time.



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